Stranger Things Loses #1 in Streaming Charts to Another Netflix Series

Weird things It has spent the past two months completely dominating the streaming charts here in the US. The fourth installment of the beloved series broke records for Netflix and delivered the biggest opening month of any English-language series in broadcast history. After enjoying a long stay at the top of the overall streaming charts, however, another popular Netflix series finally knocked out the number one spot.

On Thursday, Nielsen released broadcast data for the top shows and movies from the week of July 18 to July 24. An acclaimed romance series Virgin River It topped the rankings with over 2.6 billion minutes watched over that time period. Weird things In second place, with nearly 2.3 billion minutes over the course of the same week.

Virgin River And the Weird things Two other popular Netflix titles followed, along with an action movie gray man Coming in third and new vampire The TV adaptation comes in fourth.

Virgin River She has continued to establish herself as a huge hit for Netflix, especially since her budget is incredibly low compared to shows like Stranger Things. Based on the Robin Carr series of novels, Virgin River Stars Alexandra Breckenridge and Martin Henderson. Netflix has already renewed it for a fifth season.

Here is the official summary of Virgin River season 4:

Despite not knowing whether her child belonged to her deceased husband, Mark or Jack, Mel started Season 4 with a sense of optimism. For years she longed to be a mother and her dream came one step closer to reality. While Jack enthusiastically supports her, the question continues. Fatherhood is in his bite.Complicating matters is the arrival of a handsome new doctor, who is on the market to start a family of his own.Hope is still recovering from her car accident, and the lingering psychological effects of her brain injury will have dire consequences for her and the doctor.Bree, bent on proving the man’s innocence In love with him, she unexpectedly finds herself in a closer relationship with Mike and one step closer to Calvin’s violent criminal network. A new romantic connection, he can’t help but hold out hope for his reunion with Christopher and Page.



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